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Happy Trails to You!

Happy Trails To You, Roy & Dale, Until We Meet Again...
with our Lord Jesus Christ in a Roundup called Heaven!
Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Roy & Dale: True Love

One of my more treasured celebrity photos is above of Dale & Roy Rogers!
These two people were a great inspiration to me growing up Christian!
To read their obituaries, please click on their blue links below this photo!

roy galloping
Roy Rogers and Trigger

Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys and wife Dale Evans, Queen of the West,
were wonderful Christians who influenced many generations of fans, not the
least of whom was yours truly.  I remember in the early 50s when my mother
got our first TV,
watching them ride the range after the bad guys, Roy always
wearing the white hat.  This world has yet to meet more humble, famous stars!
The world's loss of Roy and Dale is God's great gain!

Their television programs always lifted up the Lord Jesus Christ and I remember
one episode in particular about an orphaned young girl.  When asked by Roy &
Dale if she was "lost" she said, "How can I be lost when I know Jesus!"  That's the
blessed information they provided on their shows and they ended their programs
with Roy's inspiring, godly words,
"...and may the good Lord take a lik'en to ya!"
